Sunday, March 7, 2010

Maddie's 4-H Project.......

And our princess got an "A". 

She had to pick a subject she loved, hence picking "cooking".  We took pics of her cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then made an awesome board with all the pics and a few visuals.  Then we secured the "A" with brownies for the class at the end. 

Note to self...when you want and "A"....feed not only the teacher, but the class, treats.  Nuff said.

Sautee the onions.....
Plate it up!!!
That's dinner!!
Finished product....

Here comes breakfast!!
 Over medium, please!!
Toast that bagel, girl!!

Finished product....
On to lunch....
nuttin' like mac-n-cheese and hotdogs!

Strain the noodles!

Broil the buns....

Finished product......

Final...FINAL product...
That earned her an "A".....

so glad that project is over!

1 comment:

The BirdHouse said...

Hooray for Maddie!!! Your mom's got you slaving away in the kitchen all in the name of a 4-H project!?! Yeah right!! I may need to call child protective services! haha Congradulations on the "A"!!!