Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tanner Andrew....2nd Grade

I think we should back up a little bit and give you a rundown of how life has been for a busy 8 year old.  We finished up his baseball season just as the heat was plaguing Georgia.  We made it to the playoffs and got very excited for a few days of non stop ball playing.  Long story short, they played like pro's and lost in their 3rd game, but to a team who was on their 1st game of the day, and us on our 2nd....in the middle of the day....in 95 degree heat.  I think every Mom and Dad at the field said multiple times "I don't know whether to pray for them to win or pray for them to lose!"  Tanner played so hard, and during the second game on the final day, got to play 3rd base.  I have to say, for a mom who LOOOOOOVES her son playing catcher, I loved him at 3rd.  He moves so quick and he let's no one by him.  He took out 1 player by tagging him with a clothesline!  Let's just say if some kid had tagged T like he did....I'd have been on the field.  Um....yeah, dem's the breaks!   And now for some pics......

He did his very best hitting of the season at the tournaments....it's no secret he responds well to bribery.  :o)  We love baseball.  Next season=kid pitch.
He can't wait! 

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